ISHADPIE: Streamlining Nurse-to-Nurse Communication and Care Delivery

In the fast-paced world of nursing, effective communication and comprehensive patient care are crucial. At NurseBrain, we’ve developed a framework that combines the strengths of SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) with the Nursing Process. We call it ISHADPIE©, and it’s designed to streamline your workflow and improve patient outcomes.

Understanding ISHADPIE

ISHADPIE stands for:

  • I – Introduction
  • S – Summary (or Situation)
  • H – History (or Background)
  • A – Assessment
  • D – Diagnosis (Nursing)
  • P – Plan
  • I – Interventions
  • E – Evaluation

This framework integrates the structured communication approach of SBAR with the systematic care planning of the Nursing Process.

Breaking Down ISHADPIE

  1. Introduction: Establish context for the communication.
  2. Summary/Situation: This aligns with the “Situation” in SBAR, which includes:
  • Patient Identification: Name, age, code status, room number, status
  • Presenting Concern: Chief complaint or primary reason for hospitalization
  • Length of Stay & Diagnosis: Duration of stay and current diagnosis
  • Care Team: Attending physician, consultants, therapists
  • Safety Measures: Isolation precautions, alerts, limitations
  • Support System: Family or other support persons
  • Additional Details: Other pertinent information
  1. History/Background: This corresponds to the “Background” in SBAR:
  • Medical History: Relevant past medical diagnoses
  • Procedures: Significant past medical or surgical procedures
  • Imaging Results: Findings from recent diagnostic imaging
  • Medications: Current medications and their purposes
  • Additional Background: Other relevant information
  1. Assessment: This matches the “Assessment” in SBAR:
  • Head-to-Toe Review: Systematic assessment of each body system
  • Vitals & Measurements: Current vital signs, pain level, weight, height
  • Changes & Diagnostics: Observed changes and recent test results
  • Lines, Drains & Devices: Description of attached medical equipment
  • Input & Output: Fluid and dietary intake and output
  1. Diagnosis: Identify the nursing diagnosis based on your assessment.
  2. Plan: Outline the plan of care, incorporating elements from the “Recommendation” in SBAR:
  • Consultations: Necessary specialist consultations
  • Immediate Needs: Required immediate care or monitoring
  • Upcoming Plans: Scheduled tests, procedures, or anticipated changes
  1. Interventions: Detail the specific interventions you will implement.
  2. Evaluation: Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions.

Benefits of ISHADPIE

  1. Comprehensive Care: By combining SBAR and the Nursing Process, ISHADPIE ensures all aspects of patient care are addressed.
  2. Improved Communication: The structured format helps prevent information gaps during handoffs and rounds.
  3. Enhanced Critical Thinking: The framework encourages nurses to connect assessment findings with diagnoses and interventions.
  4. Streamlined Documentation: ISHADPIE provides a clear structure for patient care documentation.
  5. Better Time Management: With a systematic approach, nurses can prioritize tasks more effectively.

Implementing ISHADPIE in Your Practice

ISHADPIE can be used in various aspects of nursing:

  • Patient Rounds: Use the framework to ensure comprehensive patient assessments.
  • Shift Handoffs: Structure your reports using ISHADPIE for clear, concise handovers.
  • Care Planning: The DPIE portion directly corresponds to the nursing care plan process.

To make implementation easier, we’ve integrated ISHADPIE into the NurseBrain app. Available on the App Store, Google Play Store, and at, our app provides customizable ISHADPIE templates, tools for patient rounds and handoffs, and secure storage of patient care information.


ISHADPIE represents a significant step forward in nursing practice. By blending the strengths of SBAR and the Nursing Process, it provides a comprehensive framework for patient care and communication. Whether you’re a nursing student or an experienced practitioner, ISHADPIE can help you deliver more efficient, effective, and patient-centered care.

We encourage you to explore ISHADPIE and see how it can enhance your nursing practice. Try out the NurseBrain app and experience the benefits of this integrated approach to patient care and communication.

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